I often have to explain password security to people and found that using phrases like “secure passphrase” and “high entropy” is daunting to the average person. I hope this two-part series sheds light on what it takes to create a good password and why some passwords are better than other.

Intro: Human-Generated Passwords Are Not Secure

Passwords created by humans aren’t safe. Even if you add complex rules about the password, like using symbols, numbers, and mixed case letters, the password will still not be random enough. There’s a popular XKCD comic about this.

Human unreliability in creating and memorizing secure passwords is acknowledged by NIST1. The passwords we produce are trivially insecure and often incorporate personal information easily accessible to an adversary. However, it is possible to create memorable and secure passwords.

In this first part of a two-part guide, I’ll walk you through my personal favorite password creation mechanism using a technique called diceware. You will create a password that is easier to memorize and more secure than this one: SV8uFHnWU7eoe23uRc9Nq4oQrw.

In the second part, I’ll explain why these passwords mathematically more secure than your existing password, explain how attackers try to compromise your passwords, and why a strong password keeps you safe. Hopefully this will keep you secure online, and if you like it, feel free to share this with people important to you.

Creating A Secure Password

To create a truly randomly generated password, we need three things:

  1. An incredibly random number
  2. A way to express that number as a password
  3. A process to commit that password to memory

A cartoon kitten playing with 5 dice

To create the randomness we’ll use dice. You can use a single die, but it’s better to use 5 dice. Then we’ll use a table to look up the word corresponding to our dice rolls. Finally, we’ll type the password repeatedly over the next two weeks until typing it becomes muscle memory.

Step 1: Generating A Random Number with Dice

Generate a five-digit number by rolling the dice. You can either roll one die five times or roll all five dice at the same time and read the values from left to right. Repeat this twelve times by writing each number below the first.

As an example, here is a list that I generated:

  1. 45132
  2. 22335
  3. 53645
  4. 14214
  5. 63663
  6. 44212
  7. 63642
  8. 33345
  9. 33242
  10. 43625
  11. 65255
  12. 44221

Step 2: Turn The Random Numbers into Words

We now need a table that can take those numbers and turn them into words. There are many ways to accomplish this, but my preferred way is to use this EFF-provided wordlist. For each number you generated in the previous step, look up the corresponding word, and write it next to the number.

Continuing my example, here are my words:

  1. 45132 – pouring
  2. 22335 – deceptive
  3. 53645 – shame
  4. 14214 – broadly
  5. 63663 – unglue
  6. 44212 – pelt
  7. 63642 – unfixable
  8. 33345 – handling
  9. 33242 – habitat
  10. 43625 – passably
  11. 65255 – upswing
  12. 44221 – pendant

Congratulations, you now have a randomly generated password that was done completely without the aid of a computer. At this point, you’re likely the only person in the world to see this unique combination of words.

Step 3: Commit The Words To Memory

I find the easiest way to memorize your password is by typing it repeatedly. This was the same way we used to memorize phone numbers when we had landlines. I have yet to see this method fail, even for very forgetful people.

Rewrite your password as three groups of 4 words on a small slip of paper. Here’s how mine would look:

pouring deceptive shame broadly unglue pelt unfixable handling habitat passably upswing pendant

Set this as the primary password for whatever you’re using it for–like a password manager–and, most importantly, configure it so it should prompt you for your password every time you need to use it. This ensures you write this phrase multiple times.

Since you’ve grouped the words so conveniently, you’ll only need to glance at your paper 3 times to write the password. By the third week, you will no longer need the piece of paper and you should burn it. The password now only exists in your head.


You’ve just learned how to create and memorize a very strong password. It is a bit long, and since it’s more than a word, you can call it a passphrase. If you use this password with only a single service (like a password manager), you can continue using this password indefinitely–until you suspect it has been compromised.

Some facts about your passphrase:

  • With a word list of 7776 words, and 12 words, your password is 1 in 48,873,677,980,689,257,489,322,752,273,774,603,865,660,850,176. That is over 155 bits of entropy (we’ll cover what that means in the next part).
  • It is at least 3 times more secure than this password with just 152 bits of entropy: SV8uFHnWU7eoe23uRc9Nq4oQrw.
  • As of 2022, if the largest cracking network on the planet2 tried to attack your password:
    • It will take 2.1 E26 E38 years to do it.
    • Since the universe is only (lol) 13.7 E9 years old. It would take 15.6 quadrillion times longer than the age of the universe to crack your password.

In the next part, we’ll dive into the maths behind how to calculate these bits of entropy and how your passphrase compares to others. We’ll also understand why how passwords are stored on a website’s servers and how higher entropy makes you more secure. Additionally, we’ll discuss some common techniques attackers use to compromise your passwords and how a password like this renders them impotent.

  1. NIST is the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. Its Publication SP 800-63B – Authentication and Lifecycle Management from its Digital Identity Guidelines are technical requirements for federal agencies implementing digital identity services. SP 800-63B § Appendix A notes: “Humans […] have only a limited ability to memorize complex, arbitrary secrets, so they often choose passwords that can be easily guessed. […] Online services have introduced rules in an effort to increase the complexity of these memorized secrets.” e.g. “composition rules, which require the user to choose passwords constructed using a mix of character types, such as at least one digit, uppercase letter, and symbol. However, analyses of breached password databases reveal that the benefit of such rules is not nearly as significant as initially thought, although the impact on usability and memorability is severe.” ↩︎

  2. “largest cracking network” is one way to describe the bitcoin mining network. It’s a distributed system rewarded to guess a key that unlocks the next bitcoin block. The peak hash rate as of writing this article was ~325.11 EH/s in October 2022 according to Bitcoin.com↩︎